I could not begin to tell you how many times in the past I would write to people online to advise them that they had some wrong information in their family tree. Did I ever hear back from them - no. Did they change their tree - no. Did I give up trying - yes. I hate to admit it, but yes I finally gave up. I thought the most I could do was to make my tree open to the public and site sources and then any researcher doing their due diligence would find the tree and the sources.
So many times I have found the infamous "
Portrait Palins" being the parents of people born in Staffordshire, and Shropshire and we all know that the children were born in Cheshire and baptised in Aldford. Was it because of the "portraits" that people wanted to claim them as their own?
Never in my wildest imagination would a DNA test pick up a match with an incorrect tree! This is what I got this week.